Home Remedies For Gastric Problem
Acidity is probably as old as our love for spices. It is a term used for a set of symptoms caused by excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach. The stomach normally secretes hydrochloric acid which is required for the breakdown and digestion of food we eat. 
Home Remedies For Gastric Problem
Acidity can be caused due to several factors like erratic eating habits, undisciplined timings of the meal, fad diets, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity. It can also be triggered due to eating stale foods, also oily and spicy foods. 

For most of us, acidity is quite infrequent. However, if you feel the burn more than a couple of times during a week, you’re suffering from Hyper-acidity. This happens when the acid in your stomach, that is supposed to digest food, finds its way into the food pipe.

Being a foodie is a common trait amongst Indians and so are gastric problems. Indigestion, gas, bloating, hiccups, heartburn, stomach pain, ulcers, and nausea are some of the common features of gastric problems. These are the frequently received rewards of an unhealthy lifestyle, including binge eating, smoking, drinking alcohol, sleep disorders, eating junk, stress, etc. Flaunting these rewards can put one into embarrassing situations.

Owing to discomfort, one cannot leave it unattended. Also, one cannot consult a doctor or approach a pharmacy so frequently for such a general problem.

Some of the most common causes include stress, a diet that is excessive in dairy, an inactive lifestyle and not including enough fibre in your diet. These are apart from medical conditions that may cause gastric problems as a symptom.

Top Causes of Gastric Problems
  • Low levels of fibre in your diet
  • Lack of regular physical activity, sedentary lifestyle
  • Travel or any other drastic changes to your regular routine
  • Excessive amounts of dairy products
  • Chronic and unmanaged stress
  • Not going to the toilet regularly (possibly due to pain or haemorrhoids)
  • Consuming excessive amounts of diarrhoea medication
  • Antacids that contain calcium, aluminium
  • Other medications that are rich in iron as well as painkillers, antidepressants
  • Being pregnant
Food causes may include
  • Carbonated drinks, beans, artificial sweeteners, potatoes, pasta, eating or drinking too fast, using a straw, swallowing excessively
If the person is having gastritis repeatedly then apart from home remedies he should definetly visit his/her physcian who can manage patient by giving regimen for the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (one of the causes of gastritis)
Dr. Nikhil Yadav, MBBS MD,CCEBDM
Home Remedies For Gastric Problem
Home Remedies For Gastric Problem
Home Remedies For Gastric Problem
અહિં આપેલી માહિતી ઘરગથ્થુ નુસખા આધારીત છે. જે ડોકટર નો વિકલ્પ ન હોઇ શકે. આ નુસખા અજમાવ્યા પછી પણ જો ગેસ એસીડીટી મા ફરક ના જણાય તો ડોકટરની સલાહ અચૂક લેવી જોઇએ.
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7 natural home remedies for Acidity/ Gas Problems and Heartburn:
1. Coconut Water- Tender coconut water is nature’s ENO – an Ayurvedic medicine that brings instant relief from acidity. It has a natural alkalizing effect, which cools the acidic stomach juices. It even adds a protective layer over the stomach to prevent irritation from excess acid.
How to use: Rich in fiber, a glass of coconut water everyday helps in easy digestion.

2. Amla- Amla is one of the best natural remedies to cure indigestion and heartburn. It is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, which reduces swelling, tenderness, and pain in stomach. Amla is known to reduce Pitta (Heat) in our body, providing relief from the burning sensation.
How to use: You can either boil and sun-dry the amla or purchase a pack of dried amla to chew on.

3. Ginger- Ginger is another excellent Ayurvedic home remedy for acidity. Because it reduces swelling, ginger brings down the chances of stomach food pushed back into the chest cavity. Consequently, acidic juices don’t flow into the food pipe.
How to use: Ginger goes well with all kinds of beverages. You can enjoy it in a glass of smoothie, carrot juice or a cup of tea.

4. Basil Leaves- Tulsi (Basil) have soothing properties that provide an instant relief from acidity.
How to use: Make a habit to chew on a couple of leaves during the day. Or if you like it better, boil a few leaves in water and bid goodbye to acidity with a Holy Basil Tea.

5. Cinnamon- It helps to break down the food faster by stimulating the digestive enzymes. Additionally, it reduces the risk of developing ulcers when the acid flows into the food pipe.
How to use: You can add cinnamon to your daily cup of tea. Otherwise, you can drink a hot cup of water with honey and cinnamon powder.

6. Papaya- The enzymes in papaya are very effective in breaking down complex proteins. This means our bodies need to produce less acid to break down food that relieves the painful heartburn.
How to use: Add ripe papaya to your breakfast, or as a post-dinner savoury in your meal.

7. Garlic- Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Unlike other natural remedies for acidity, it helps in maintaining a crucial balance of digestive bacteria in our stomach. Taken in moderation, it can provide almost immediate relief from acidity.
How to use: Peel a small part and leave it in the open to reduce the natural heat in garlic. You can chew on it after 10 minutes.