Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022 By Children University Gujarat -
Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022 : Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022 By Children University Gujarat - notification out.‘Bharat Gyan Pariksha’ will be conducted in three stages for the students studying in the standard 6 to 12 or Diploma & ITI in the current academic year and are of the age between 12 to 18. The ‘Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022’ will be conducted by Children’s Unvieristy, Gandhinagar and the dates for same are as given below.

Bharat Gyan Pariksha has been initiated by Children’s Univeristy. The test aims to make the students enrich with the knowledge of antiquity to modern ages. It is state level examination. The prime objective of the test is to identify talent of the students and to train them.The objective of the test is to make the students familiar with the Indian spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and its abound creativity.
ભારત જ્ઞાન પરિક્ષા ૨૦૨૨ : The objective of the University is to introduce a child centric comprehensive philosophy. Also to make children accomplished in Indian culture, Indian nationalism and internationalism. The University intends to introduce an alternative comphrehensive education system to help the students remove their stress and fear for exam by organizing computer based online test.The objective is to be helpful in developing new evaluation system by introducing learning based test in place of memory based test.
Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022 Details:
Organized By : Children's University
Exam Name : Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022
Registration Start Date: 10th April 2022
Registration End Date : 26th June 2022
Website :
Email :
Registration Guidelines:
- Use one mobile number for one registration only.
- Before submitting the registration form, you must make sure that the mobile
- number and email address you have given are correct.
- After submitting the registration form, you will receive login information in
- your e-mail address.
Eligibility of the students -
All the students who are studying in standard 6 to 12 or Diploma and ITI from any of the recognized institution situated in Gujarat like goverments schools, aided schools, private schools, local body schools can take part in this examination as per below given table.
Eligibility of the students
- First Satyam - Standard 6 to 12 or Diploma and ITI
- Second Shivam - Standard 9 to 12 or Diploma and ITI
- Third Sundaram - Standard 10 to 12 or Diploma and ITI
Exam Guidelines:
- All exams will be completely online.
- Participants will appear in the examination with the login credentials received on their e-mail address.
- All the participants will get a certificate of examination.
- A student with more than 50 score will get a certificate of passing.
- A student with less than 50 will get a certificate of attempt.
- Participants can download their certificate from once the examination is completed.
- The final authority to change the rules of examination rests with the children’s university, and the jurisdiction will be Gandhinagar.
Bharat Gyan Pariksha 2022 SUBJECT
• Language & Literature
• Indian Geography & Environment
• Indian Culture & Art
• Our History & Civilization
• Great Indian Leaders & Sages
• Ancient and Modern Science & Technology
• Current Trends & General Knowledge
• Ancient and Modern Indian Mathematics
• Sports & Yoga
• Civics and Constitution
Winners Guidelines:
- Total 99 winners will be declared from all over Gujarat (33 districts).
- 3 winners (one from each category) will be declared from each district.
- Winners have to produce original last mark sheet, school I- card and one photo identity proof at the time of camp.
- Student with highest score will be selected as winners.
- Students who have completed exam with minimum time will be selected as winner in the case of tie (same marks).
Process for apply online -
With reference to this advertisement, only online applications will accepted.
You can apply on Follow the below given steps to
apply online. Application will be considered valid only after it is confirmed.
- Fill up the whole form in English only.
- Firstly go to
- Click on ‘SignUp’.The application form will appeare after clicking SignUp. Fill in all the necessary information in the application.
- Now, click on Save and your data will be saved.
- The exam fee can be paid through the online payment gateway like “ATM CARD/NET BANKING”. Click on “Online Payment”. Then, select relevant option from “Net Banking of fee” or “Other Payment Mode” and fill in the details necessary. Once the fee is paid, a message will appeare on the screen saying the fee has been paid and you will also see fee receipt. Please take a print of the receipt. If there is any error in the process then you will be see on the screen that your fee has not been paid.
- If a fee receipt is not generated even after 24 hours of deduction of money from your bank account, then please contact Children’s Univeristy on this eamil address :
- After process check your Email-id. You will get Username & password in your mail.
- By login using same username & password, students will be able to see his/her information and to attend exam.
ORGANIZED BY:(For all categories)
Children's University
Subhash Chandra Bose Shikshan Sankul,
Nr. CHH-5 Children’s University Circle,
Sector-20, Gandhinagar-382021
Website : | Email :
Registration Date:
Start : 10th April 2022
End : 26th June 2022
Fees : 50/-
Mode of Exam : Online MCQ Type
Exam Schedule :
Sr Details Date
1 Date of the annoucement of the test. 08/04/2022
2 Date for uploading syllabus and study material 09/04/2022
3 Time for applying and paying fee online 10/04/2022 11:00 AM to 26/06/2022 5:00 PM
4 Exam fee 50/- Rs.
5 Date of Exam - Satyam 15 July, 2022
6 Date of Exam - Shivam 16 July, 2022
7 Date of Exam – Sundaram 15 July, 2022 12:00 AM to 20 July, 2022 11:00 PM
8 Annoucement of the Result 25 July, 2022
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About Us Children's University
The children of today have to be prepared to become builders of the future, - the future which would be marked by replacement of competitive individualism by the synthesis of individual liberty, collective egalitarianism and universal and spiritual fraternity;The future will be liberated from disabling scepticism and from comforting arrestation of quest of knowledge, and progress will be accelerated by ardent aspirations to realise higher spiritual truths and their manifestation in physical life;
The new world of the future will cultivate material life so as to make it prosperous and rich and it will replace poverty wherever it exists by elimination of drudgery, exploitation and slavery and encourage nobility, dignity and continuous empowerment.The children’s university will lead the children of today to build a new world of friendliness, mutuality and harmony that transcends all barriers of narrowness and blind conflicts resulting from exclusivism and burden of the past that strives to linger against the pressure of the future of uplifting light and prosperity.
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