Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union Primary A "Chanakya" Gu.Ra.Prashi Sangh Educational Research Center, Sector-12, Gandhinagar. Phone: 07-203 Satishbhai Patel Digvijay Singh Jadeja General Secretary President 1, Swaminarayan Society, Bungalow No. 2, Plot No. 2, Pragati Park, At. Byad, Dist. Aravalli. Near Dijam Circle, Jamnagar Mo. : 9060, 903p4mo. : 302, 3 (Resolution No. PRE of Education and Labor Department - 114-13 - A, valid from 6-7-8). Date of III iven: 7/8/2071 per, May. Director of Primary Education, Gujarat 12/1, Dr. GM Bhavan, Gandhinagar.
Subject: - Regarding filling 100% vacancies of primary teachers from the district. Sahebshree, Jayabharat, to state on the above subject that after the year 2014, there have been no district transfer camps for primary teachers. In many districts there is a large increase in the number of teachers and in some districts there is a decrease. At present recruitment is not done in Std. 1 to 8.
Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union Primary A "Chanakya" Gu.Ra.Prashi Sangh Educational Research Center, Sector-12, Gandhinagar. Phone: 07-203 Satishbhai Patel Digvijay Singh Jadeja General Secretary President 1, Swaminarayan Society, Bungalow No. 2, Plot No. 2, Pragati Park, At. Byad, Dist. Aravalli. Near Dijam Circle, Jamnagar Mo. : 9060, 903p4mo. : 302, 3 (Resolution No. PRE of Education and Labor Department - 114-13 - A, valid from 6-7-8). Date of III iven: 7/8/2071 per, May. Director of Primary Education, Gujarat 12/1, Dr. GM Bhavan, Gandhinagar.

Subject: - Regarding filling 100% vacancies of primary teachers from the district. Sahebshree, Jayabharat, to state on the above subject that after the year 2014, there have been no district transfer camps for primary teachers. In many districts there is a large increase in the number of teachers and in some districts there is a decrease. At present recruitment is not done in Std. 1 to 8.
In these circumstances, where there are vacancies for teachers in the district / town primary education committees, we demand that the vacancies be filled 100% by district transfer. As per the rules, 50% vacancies are filled but since no district transfer has been made in the last three-four years, it is requested that 100% vacancies be filled by the district teachers. Yours faithfully Alom Orz (Satishbhai Patel) General Secretary (Digvijay Singh Jadeja) President.
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