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OpenEd has the largest FREE K-12 resource library with videos, assessments, games and homework assignments, all built from quality publishers and sorted by effectiveness. OpenEd puts the assessments and the online videos and games together on a per student basis! OpenEd automatically recommends videos or games for each student, individually, to address each student’s knowledge gaps.

What does that mean? For teachers, this means that you can search by topic, subject, grade, Common Core standard, Texas standard, or even your textbook, you will find the online assessments and homework you are looking for, sorted by quality. For students, this means that each student will get different videos and games recommended to them, based on the questions they are missing.


Install the OpenEd app with your key and secret
Find an assessment or homework on and click on the “Click to copy for Canvas” link
Create an assignment in your LMS and paste the link copied above into the External Tool URL field
Don’t forget to enable grading if you want to see your students’ scores!