SPArSH Online Talim On Diksha App Babat Paripatra | SPArSH Diksha Talim Module Link
Online SPArSH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana.
Regarding "Online SPArSH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana. Under the program, a joint venture of UNESCO and GCERT Gandhinagar organized online training on "SPArSH" (State Program on Adolescent School Health) for all teachers of all schools (government aided and self-reliant schools) in the state's primary department. Teachers will be able to join this training through DIKSHA Portal. According to this training, a total of 11 course modules will be uploaded periodically on DIKSHA Portal. Currently three module courses have been uploaded.
Regarding "Online SPArSH" online training of teachers of the state's primary department under school health program under Ayushyaman Bharat Yojana. Under the program, a joint venture of UNESCO and GCERT Gandhinagar organized online training on "SPArSH" (State Program on Adolescent School Health) for all teachers of all schools (government aided and self-reliant schools) in the state's primary department. Teachers will be able to join this training through DIKSHA Portal. According to this training, a total of 11 course modules will be uploaded periodically on DIKSHA Portal. Currently three module courses have been uploaded.

SPArSH Online Talim On Diksha App Babat Paripatra | SPArSH Diksha Talim Module Link.Each module This includes the introduction of the subject, the information contained in the subject, the video attached to it, the annexure of the existing syllabus of the relevant information and the evaluation at the end. After the completion of the training, the trainee teachers will get the training certificate online from the Diksha portal.
For the purpose of implementation of the above plan, it is imperative that only the teachers of the schools of the upper primary section of your district and the trainees of B.Ed and D.L.Ed participate in this training.The implementation, management and monitoring of all these courses of Diksha Portal will have to be done under the DRU branch of your organization.
For the purpose of stabilization of the above training, two teachers (one female and one male) per school as a brand ambassador as well as other teachers must voluntarily make their live contribution in this co-curricular activity. Along with this, in order to cultivate a clearer understanding of all the above modules, the subject matter of the module will be broadcasted by renowned experts through Biseg. Make sure that the teachers involved in the training also benefit from it.
App highlights
• Explore interactive material created by teachers and the best Indian content creators for teachers and students in India. By India, for India!
• Scan QR codes from textbooks and find additional learning material associated with the topic
• Store and share content offline, even without Internet connectivity
• Find lessons and worksheets relevant to what is taught in the school classroom
• Experience the app in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu with additional Indian languages coming soon!
• Supports multiple content formats like Video, PDF, HTML, ePub, H5P, Quizzes - and more formats coming soon!
SPArSH ૧- તંદુરસ્ત વૃદ્ધિ અને વિકાસ
The course is an attempt to develop positive self-perception and decision-making power to cope with the social beliefs associated with adolescence by understanding the changes that take place during
adolescence. At the same time, the understanding of this course will be useful for resolving the concerns of adolescents regarding such changes. An accurate and effective summary of the course has also been presented through video, which makes sense of the title Healthy Growth and Development. Activities given in the module; Information on the physical and emotional changes that take place during adolescence, proper knowledge of the changes that occur in adulthood, demonstrates the facts behind the beliefs associated with these changes and the understanding and ways to deal with them. Researching the curriculum will help you make textbook learning more active and effective.
SPArSH ૨- ભાવનાત્મક અને માનસિક આરોગ્ય
This course provides information and insights on how the expression of emotions or feelings can be helpful in maintaining mental health. The activities given in the module will enable the person to recognize their emotions, identify their own qualities and abilities and develop an understanding of how to deal with each situation carefully. The video explains how the problem of what the Himalayas look like in life becomes like a mustard seed when the moods are properly expressed. Curriculum-to-curriculum research will help you to make textbook learning more active and effective.
SPArSH ૩-આંતરવૈયક્તિક સંબંધ
This course develops an understanding of cultivating positive attitudes by harmonizing with the factors affecting it to make interpersonal relationships sustainable. The activities given in the module introduce how to understand the feelings of others, how to cultivate positive relationships by removing negative aspects of the problem through positive communication and improving bitter relationships. The video demonstrates how communicating through positive communication helps to solve problems while maintaining positive relationships. Researching the curriculum will help you make textbook learning more active and effective.
SPArSH Online Talim On Diksha App Babat Paripatra | SPArSH Diksha Talim Module Link
Sparsh Talim Module Link (મોડ્યુલ જોઇન કરવા નીચે આપેલ લિંક પર કલિક કરો:
SPArSH ૧- તંદુરસ્ત વૃદ્ધિ અને વિકાસ CLICK HERE
SPArSH ૨- ભાવનાત્મક અને માનસિક આરોગ્ય CLICK HERE
SPArSH ૩-આંતરવૈયક્તિક સંબંધ CLICK HERE
SPArSH ૩-આંતરવૈયક્તિક સંબંધ CLICK HERE
SPArSH 4- મૂલ્યો અને નાગરિકતા CLICK HERE
SPArSH 5- જેન્ડર સમાનતા CLICK HERE
SPArSH 6- પોષણ, આરોગ્ય અને સ્વચ્છતા CLICK HERE
SPArSH 7- નશીલા પદાર્થોના દુરુપયોગની રોકથામ અને વ્યવસ્થાપન CLICK HERE
SPArSH 8- આરોગ્યપ્રદ જીવનશૈલીનો પ્રસાર CLICK HERE
SPArSH 9- સંક્રમિત રોગો CLICK HERE
SPArSH 10- હિંસા અને ઈજાઓ સામે સલામતી અને સુરક્ષા CLICK HERE
SPArSH 11- ઈન્ટરનેટ અને સોશિયલ મીડિયાના સુરક્ષિત ઉપયોગને પ્રોત્સાહન આપવું CLICK HERE
Advantages for teachers
• Find interactive and engaging teaching material to make your class interesting
• See and share best practices with other teachers to explain difficult concepts to students
• Join courses to further your professional development and earn badges and certificates on completion
• View your teaching history across your career as a school teacher
• Receive official announcements from the state department
• Conduct digital assessments to check your students’ understanding of a topic that you have taught
Advantages for students and parents
• Scan QR codes in your textbook for easy access to the associated lessons on the platform
• Revise lessons that you learnt in class
• Find additional material around topics that are difficult to understand
• Practice solving problems and get immediate feedback on whether the answer is correct or not.
• Find interactive and engaging teaching material to make your class interesting
• See and share best practices with other teachers to explain difficult concepts to students
• Join courses to further your professional development and earn badges and certificates on completion
• View your teaching history across your career as a school teacher
• Receive official announcements from the state department
• Conduct digital assessments to check your students’ understanding of a topic that you have taught
Advantages for students and parents
• Scan QR codes in your textbook for easy access to the associated lessons on the platform
• Revise lessons that you learnt in class
• Find additional material around topics that are difficult to understand
• Practice solving problems and get immediate feedback on whether the answer is correct or not.
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