NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 - NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 Link sebexam.org
SCERT Gujarat has released the NTSE Stage 1 Result for Gujarat on March 28, 2020. All the students who had appeared for the NTSE Gujarat exam will be able to download their result through the official website- sebexam.org. The Gujarat NTSE Result 2020 has been published in the form of a merit list. SCERT has also released the NTSE Cutoff marks for Gujarat. Students who achieve the cutoff will be able to sit for the NTSE Stage 2 examination which is scheduled to take place on May 10, 2020.
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020- SCERT, Gujarat has announced the Gujarat NTSE stage 1 result on March 28, 2020. The result of Gujarat NTSE is released in online mode. Students who appeared for the NTSE Gujarat exam will be able to download their result from sebexam.org. Final NTSE Gujarat result 2020 is published in the form of merit list. Selected students will be able to check their names in the merit lists. SCERT has also released the cutoffs along with the NTSE Gujarat result. Students who will score the cutoff marks will qualify for the second and final stage of the NTSE. NCERT will conduct the NTSE 2020 Stage 2 on May 10, 2020. It will also release the NTSE result and cutoff for stage 2 exams in August 2020. Students who will meet the final cutoff will be awarded scholarships. Read the article to know more about the NTSE Gujarat result 2020.
Gujarat NTSE Result 2020: How to check NTSE Gujarat Result 2020?
Visit the official website of SCERT, Gujarat- sebexam.org.
Click on the link for 'NTSE Gujarat result’.
The Gujarat NTSE result will open in pdf form.
Save the pdf file and search for your name in the file.
Take a printout of your NTSE Gujarat result and secure it for future references.
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020: Details Mentioned
- Name
- Roll Number
- Category
- Marks obtained in Mental Ability Test (MAT)
- Marks obtained in Scholastic Ability Test (SAT)
- Aggregate marks scored in NTSE exam for stage 1
- Rank secured in stage 1 exam
NTSE Gujarat Cutoff Marks
SCERT Gujarat has also released the NTSE Cutoff marks for Gujarat alongside the NTSE Stage 1 result. Students who achieve the cutoff marks will be able to sit for the NTSE Stage 2 examination. Provided below are the cutoff marks for Gujarat NTSE Exam category-wise:
Students can check for their name and roll number in the merit list of NTSE Gujarat 2020 . Follow the below-given steps to view Gujarat NTSE result.
![]() |
General 175
OBC 158
SC 151
EWS 132
PH 89
ST 145
Steps To Download NTSE Gujarat Result 2020
- Go to the official website Gujarat State Education Board @ gujarat-education.gov.in
- On the home page search for the NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 link.
- Find the NTSE Result 2020 link and click on it.
- Fill the NTSE Gujarat exam hall ticket number and date of birth details.
- Hit the Submit button.
- Your NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 will be displayed on the screen.
- Check the NTSE Gujarat Exam Result 2020.
- Download the result and take a hard copy of the result for further use.
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 - NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 Link sebexam.org
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 Released @ gujarat-education.gov.in | Cut Off Marks, Merit List: This page contains the complete information about the NTSE Result 2020. Candidates who had attended the National Talent Search Examination have to check the NTSE Gujarat Result 2020. The officials of State Examination Board Gandhinagar released the NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 on 27th March 2020.
Frequently Asked Questions
1 How can I check my NTSE Gujarat Result?
Aspirants can check the NTSE Gujarat Result from our article Freshers Now and also by visiting the official site @ gujarat-education.gov.in
2 Is the NTSE Gujarat Result declared?
Yes, the officials released the NTSE Gujarat Result.
3 What is the qualifying marks for NTSE Gujarat?
The qualifying marks for NTSE Gujarat is ST: 7.5%, Other Backward Caste (Non-Creamy Layer): 27%, SC: 15%, Children with Benchmark Disabilities: 4%, Economically Weaker Sections: 10%.
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