SDSC SHAR Recruitment 2020: Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR (SDSC SHAR) invites online application from eligible candidates for the post of Nurse, Lab Technician & Fireman in various disciplines. Only Indian Nationals need to apply. As per the SDSC SHAR Recruitment 2020 Advertisement No. SDSC SHAR/RMT/01/2020, nearly 12 vacancies were allocated for this ISRO SDSC notification. Applicants who are searching central govt jobs in Andhra Pradesh can make the ISRO SHAR online registration from 07.03.2020 to 27.03.2020.

SDSC SHAR Recruitment 2020 official notification and apply online link are available @ Applicants should possess SSLC/SSC or its equivalent and attain certain age limitation. The mode of Selection will be Written Test and/or Skill Test. Selected candidates will be placed at Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh). More details of SDSC SHAR recruitment 2020 vacancy, upcoming SHAR jobs notices, syllabus, answer key, merit / selection list, admit card, result, upcoming ISRO notifications and etc. will be uploaded on official website.
Eligibility Criteria for SDSC SHAR Careers on Fireman & Other Posts
Educational Qualification
Applicants should possess SSLC/SSC or its equivalent + First Class Diploma in Nursing/ Medical Laboratory Technology recognized by State/Central Government.
Applicants should possess SSLC/SSC or its equivalent + First Class Diploma in Nursing/ Medical Laboratory Technology recognized by State/Central Government.
Check Advertisement for educational qualification.
Age Limit
Age limit should be 18 to 25 years for Fireman and 18 to 35 years for others.
Check notification for age limit and relaxation.
Age limit should be 18 to 25 years for Fireman and 18 to 35 years for others.
Check notification for age limit and relaxation.
Selection Process
The mode of Selection will be Written Test and Skill Test/ Endurance Test.
The mode of Selection will be Written Test and Skill Test/ Endurance Test.
Application Fee
Charge of Rs. 100 will be applicable for each application.
Charge of Rs. 100 will be applicable for each application.
Payment Mode
Fee may be paid online through Debit Card/ Internet Banking.
Application Mode
Applications will be received only through online mode.
Applications will be received only through online mode.
Steps to Apply SDSC SHAR Vacancy Notification 2020:
- Go to official website ““.
- Click “Career” from the menu bar.
- Find & choose the “Advertisement No.SDSC SHAR/RMT/01/2020 dated on 07.03.2020”.
- Notification will open read it and check Eligibility.
- To apply enter you details correctly and make the payment.
- Finally click submit button and take the print of the application form.
Registration Click Here
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Important Note :All Dear Visitors Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Stay Connected Official Education & Job Site For Latest Fast Updates.
Important Note :All Dear Visitors Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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