Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration 2020
Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration 2020 @ University, Ahmedabad has release Notification and Application form of Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration. Online Registration For CCC Examination. All the Government Employees who are eligible for this CCC/ CCC+ Exam can visit official Website After Online Apply For CCC submit a print copy to the University office as per the following Instructions. An applicant has to pay the fees of Rs. 200 for Theory & Practical both (or) Rs.100 for Theory only (or) Rs.100 for Practical only by online payment mode.

Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration 2020 Instructions:
Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration 2020 @ University, Ahmedabad has release Notification and Application form of Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration. Online Registration For CCC Examination. All the Government Employees who are eligible for this CCC/ CCC+ Exam can visit official Website After Online Apply For CCC submit a print copy to the University office as per the following Instructions. An applicant has to pay the fees of Rs. 200 for Theory & Practical both (or) Rs.100 for Theory only (or) Rs.100 for Practical only by online payment mode.

Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration 2020 Instructions:
- Click on “Gujarat University CCC Exam Online Registration Apply Online.”
- If New User Register with Your Full Name, Mobile, City and Password.
- After Click Create an account Button.
- You Fill all information in the form and click on the “Save” button.
- Now, Your upload photo and sign.
- Complete Procedure for payment through SBI Payment Gateway.
- After payment is confirmed, Click Confirm Application.
- Then print the generated Application form.
- If you send the incomplete form to GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, it will be rejected
The candidate has to fill correct data as per the records of the department. No changes in the filled form are allowed after submission. Please check all information before submitting the form. No hard copy of the application is to be sent. Print out of the form duly sign on page no 2 by your department head along with Xerox copy of photo ID & service letter to be submitted at the time of examination. Without the certified print out of form & necessary documents, the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
How to Check Gujarat University CCC Exam Result 2020
- Candidates need to visit the official site of Gujarat University i.e.
- On the Landing page, you need to search the Result Link which is available on the right side.
- Then Click on Gujarat University Result 2020 Link
- Fill all relevant details i.e. Roll Number, Name, Date of Birth and Password
- Then Click on Submit Button
- Then your Gujarat University Exam Result is displayed on your computer screen.
- Now if you get passed to take a hard copy of it for future use.
Note: Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser to fill the application form.
For Technical query related to online form submission please contact
Mobile: 8552045082
Monday to Friday (10:00 AM to 06:00 PM)
Registration of first 120000 candidates only will be accepted. You need to make the online payment, fill up the form, Upload the necessary documents & submit the form.
The count of first 120000 submitted forms would be considered. You will get sms once the form is successfully submitted.
Important Note:
1. After submitting special instructions or registration to the candidates, the form should not be submitted to Gujarat University. At the time of examination, the candidate has to submit the signed form on the registration form.
2. Only Gujarat State Government employees are eligible to submit the form for CCC examination.
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